African Nightcrawlers ANC Live Worms only for Canada

Item No.: FGLW001

African worms (scientific name: Eudrilus Eugeniae), are also known as ANC, or African nightcrawlers. They are quickly becoming the preferred composting worm for those who want to produce larger amounts of Compost/Castings in less time. The African Nightcrawler can compost more than twice as much food and/or manure scraps as other composting worms. They reproduce very quickly and are the largest composting worm available, reaching up to 8 inches in length. These worms require a slightly higher temperature than the reds or Euro, 20-30 Celsius. Below 15 degrees, this worm will stop reproducing and may die.

This selection of African worms always comes with the double litter option to ensure a safe shipment.

Includes coconut fiber, shredded cardboard, pumice, rock dust and oyster shell, 1 pouch of nematodes, diatomaceous earth and a 3in1 soil tester (Moisture and PH)

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